Hi there! This is me just a few days ago. I'm almost eight months now and I love to stand whenever I get the chance!

Although October was a difficult month for me as bactracin worked to break down the scab, it really did go fast. It's now November and my hemangioma looks a whole lot better. The scab is now gone and underneath it the area is sunken in and ulcerated. It hurts to clean the area but by gently removing the top layer of yellow slough each day to reveal the raw skin underneath, it makes the area continues to shrink. The ulcerated area is now probably the size of a quarter and the hemangioma is now much more flat. I'll have to pose for a picture tomorrow so I can show you all! My birthmark still hurts when it gets touched or brushed but I am able to sleep through the night and only wake to eat. I went for an MRI at the end of October because my dermatologist was concerned because of the location that it might be attached to my spine. Thankfully the results are back and it is not attached to anything. Our next step is to meet with the plastic surgeon to see if and when he would recommend surgery. My mommy and daddy are still undecided but they want to see what he has to say. I'm getting my beauty rest now so I'll update you with a picture tomorrow! Goodnight :)
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